OMG!!!!! I am bak! i hav misd u internet i hav misd u blog n most inportntlee i hav misd u, my readrs. XXX *mwah*
as u myte guest from da title i hav ben travlng 4 da last yr n it has ben fun. it waz gonna be just 4 a munf then it turnd 2 2 thn 3 thn 4 thn 5 thn OMG a hole yr!!!
ive been back for 2 weaks now n everythin has chagd so much sice I hav been bak. I lst 20kilos! Casey wll be so jelus off me whn i go to coles tonite to flaunt my new hott body! LOLS!
so wear did i go 4 a hole yr? I startd my trip hitchhikn to mt isa 4 no good reason. well achtuly it waz cause fabian said he waz gonna get marrid to his gf after he turnd 18 n i will admit it i waz in luv wif him, an he said he had ben in luv wif me whn we wer 15 howevr he dint lyke tht i slept wif randomz for booz mony n dat he felt liyk i waznt gona change ne tym soon. dis got me realy upset n i turnd emo n waz gona kilmyself but i dint i told skeetz n mum dat i waz goin to vist Raynbow in mt isa i dunno if i postd about her but she movd to mt isa whn we wer in grade 4, me n her were da bestest friends 4 ever, n she came back in 2006, but moved back to mt isa at the end of 2006 caus her dad had the canca in his liva n skin dat was metasisised 2 his lungs n shit. she waz really upset caus she lost her mum to teh canca too in 2003. i wnted to be there 4 her but most inportantlee be awy frm fabian cause i waz 2 upset 2 deal wif him.
i stayd in mt isa 4 3 munfs cause raynbows dad died not long afta we got there da hole time i was ther 4 her. howeva i had to come back but i had no money :( so i hitchhikd back. da long way. LOLS.
i mangd to get down 2 melborn wher i tried to ctch up wif sum blogar lyke hambo, but no one had spare time. :( so i hed back up norf bck home. n u no wat. its hrd 2 travl wif no money.
howeva i stil had my smokin hot body ;)
i wood set out on my trips to da hiway or da main road wearin my short denim supre skirts n wait 4 a lift, when i wood get 1 it waz always da same
wher r u goin?
wat is a prety thing lyke u doin hicthhikn?
sam old questions, howevr whn they woul ask wha i do 4 money i wold reach ova to the driva n rub his crotch n say dat i do what i hav to.
i got fuked so much on my trip! i think i hav sen more coc in the last yr than i hav in my life. oh n cum in nsw tastes diff from cum in queensland lols. on day a truk driva picked me up n we stopd at a truk stop wher we wer goin 4 it in da bathrooms, den some more trukies cam in in more ways than one ;)
i evn had my first lezbean expeiranc 2 it was june n i waz walk alon a dirt rd to quilpie n a womn in a 4 whel driv stop n gav me a lift 2 quilpie. i ended back at her plac as i didnt hav a plac to stay n she had a spar room. i hav 2 say it was a intrestin first lezbean incouta. we wer watcn tv n sh slipd her han up my skir n my first reachton was 2 hold he han n rub myslf wif it, n it felt good thn i remembrd dat it was a femal hand,i almos got up n ran out, but i wz getin wet n i neded a cock how evar 1 waz at hand, afta havin her eat me out n fingarin me, she strapd on a dildo! OMG it felt so good, then she wntd me to fuk her so i strpd on da cock and fukd her. i waz werd. but it waz fun. da next day she drove me to charleville wher she got us a room fuked sum more befor she left i stayd ther for a few mor nites havng sex with randomz at the pub before getin a lift furthr down south.
neway, i hav so much mor to tel, howeva dis is da most i eva riten so i will tel sum mor storis soon.
luv tanya