OMG i got my ragz last nite! i cant beliv how happy i am 2 hav my period. when i woke up this mornin i kood feel that ther was sumpin dry n crusty between my legs it was mostly dried blood wich was eww but also yay! guess im not preggers! so tonite me n skeets are going drinkin if i can drag her away from her bf for 2 sekonds.
Wtf is wrong with you?
why did the lawn mower stop working?
because there was a dead baby stuck in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can still haven't periods when you're pregnant, so it does not signal an all clear. Didn't you have Sex Ed at school?
You had best take a pregnancy test to be sure, at your age you really should know better, you're 17 not 13.
'it was mostly dried blood'
Oh, wow.
Do I wanna know what the rest was?
I just read some of your blog as friends of mine have passed on the link, encouraging me "to check out the most disgusting, horrible, frightening and outrageous rubbish you will ever read". I wasn't disappointed. Are you for real, or is this some sick joke???
i dribble when i try to eat
^^ hey, we're in the same boat buddy.
tanya you cow where are you?
Its fantastic that a down syndrome girl writes a blog, Tanya your an inspiration to the retarded everywhere.
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