27 August 2005

Y shood I conform 2 ur idels Chant?

OMG who is this Jess chick who has commented like 2 times? I was looking at my referals thing, and someone came here looking for me and fabian. I bet its Jess and she thinks her BF is cheating on her with me.

me and Fabian are just good friends we hang together and dont fuck n shit, and he has neva had a gf called jess or ne thing. u r just a jealous ho who has a bf who weights less than you fat pig. get on the atkins diet now cow. Moo Moo Moo

Anyway, what have I been upto? I got a bf last week, but it only lasted 2 days, he cheated on me with the fat slag Casey Stewart from down the road, she is such a cow. She gave him a blow job, the slut, so i dumped him in the worst way possible, he was with his friends and I told him, I was going to suck him off, then when he pulled his small dick out, I grabbed his balls. I hollared like a little swine. I was so like going to pull them off. I sez he was sorry, but I dumpe anyway HA.

Later I got Fabian older Brother to by me some alcohol, and then I got really drunk and slashed the tires on Casey's dads falcon. take that bitch. dont mess wit me. LOLS!


Anonymous said...

Real nice of you to include me in your little blog entry, Thanks. I've never heard of someone called Fabian let alone met someone of that name. Me, A fat pig? Haha go take a look n the mirror :)

Anonymous said...

So how is your bountiful crop of herpes coming along?

Anonymous said...

Please, someone tell me this is a parody. Tell me now, before I start weeping into my keyboard.

Anonymous said...

I too was hoping this is a parody, then I saw she was from QLD. Start weeping.

Anonymous said...

no, it has to be fake. there can't be anyone (well, anyone who's first language is english, anyway) who has that bad a grasp of the english language. this has to be bullshit.

Anonymous said...

She IS from Queensland!

One would wonder if someone who's spelling is that bad would use punctuation (which she quite obviously has).

Also - the three links all relate directly back to TSSH.... go figure??? Does she not have any other mates?????

Anonymous said...

Sorry...just had to see for myself. I'm still cringeing. This better be phony or I'm emigrating our of sheer embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

It's a fugly dude in a wig

Anonymous said...

you cant spell tanya without STD.

Low Flying Angel said...

How does someone so fugly become such a Ho? Cue Ah Sweet Mystery of Life?

Anonymous said...

A thousand monkeys with a thousand typewriters couldn't produce this kind of gold. Kudos to you, and it's great to see what "The Smart State" is able to produce, the massive dollars they are pumping into education are clearly doing great things! "It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times?! you stupid monkey!"

Tanya said...

wow fans omg like this is soooo kwel!

i just like to remind you all i dropped out of skool in like year 10 so my speeling isnt dat grate

i do try and my centerlink case worker sez that i should give 110% in everything i do

sum times i cant be assed.

Low Flying Angel said...

Tanya please use conditioner your hair looks like a frizzy disaster. There are many products to help. You read the Bible??Then you know what happens to Harlots ;-)

Anonymous said...

of course it's fake (tanyas photo is stored on hambos website)... but it's funny!! books and blogs do come in fiction and non-fiction..... keep up the good work :-)

Anonymous said...

I take my hat off to you. This is the shizzy .....................
and if not go blow a horse and tell us about it


Oh and the other states "Tasmania and New Zealand"
Thats Hot

Anonymous said...

I take my hat off to you. This is the shizzy .....................
and if not go blow a horse and tell us about it


Oh and the other states "Tasmania and New Zealand"
Thats Hot